Friday 14 February 2025

New music in the Florentine summer: preparing the New Generation Festival

The second edition of the International Music Festival is next to animate the evenings, in the Garden Of Palazzo Corsini.

Classical, dance and contemporary music

A Festival of Classical Music only? “Of course not, it is much more than that”, as underlined by Lorenzo Corsini: “The New Generation Festival represents a bet of music on the new generations”.

With this event in the Florentine Summer, new generations of artists, listeners and operators are involved. Of course, big space is reserved for the mother of all music: classical music. So much so that the New Generation Festival opens with the opera “Don Giovanni” by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

But do not be fooled: if you prefer DJ sets, once the opera is over, the Festival will continue with “Other music”, in the middle of the night curated by the well-known DJ and Belgian/Dutch music producer Harold Van Lennep. An opportunity on both sides: for young talents involved, who have the chance to be known and open up to a wider, international audience. But also for users, listeners: who can know new styles and genres shared by the genius of Music.

Without mentioning the initiative that explains the reason why the festival has this name: “New Generation“, why? Because the artists involved have at most 35 years of age.

An exclusive location

And because those who are 35 years of age have a special promotion dedicated to them, by having 500 seats available every evening!

Many performances are already visible by visiting the website: but you will find updates and side events published as you approach the opening night. In the amazing setting offered by Palazzo Corsini Al Prato, there will be no lack of jazz bands, secret events, and sometimes irreverent but never disrespectful artistic animations. Think of the entire cast of theatrical actors and opera singers, 3 choirs, 3 orchestras.

As underlined by Lorenzo Corsini, such a wide choice of styles and musical genres is well expressed by the motto of the Next Generation Festival: “Good music is good music”. This is because, starting from a certain level – and here we talk about an excellent level reached – any kind of music is pleasant, even for those who do not think they can get close, for example, to dance rather than contemporary music.

Corsini.Events Group is happy to have been chosen as the main partner to support the creators in organizing and optimizing spaces, logistics and every step of the event. This in order to offer the public a unique and unforgettable experience.

A task that to think well is far from being simple: to adapt the historic spaces of a Palazzo, Palazzo Corsini al Prato, both for artists – we speak of over 100 artists – and for the Next Generation Festival audience! Who knows if one day this Festival will have an increasingly important impact in the city of Florence, until it becomes even bigger than the Firenze Rocks festival!