Sunday 27 October 2024

Re-Generation Festival: special edition of the New Generation Festival at the Boboli Gardens

For the 2020 edition, the New Generation Festival teams up with the Uffizi Galleries to create an even more special event: the Re-Generation Festival. Corsini Events.Group is the official partner and production manager of the festival.

Re-Generation Festival, 4 dates with free admission

Since its first appearance, in 2017, to date, the New Generation Festival has conquered Florence bringing the great music of emerging artists to an audience of all ages. The 2020 edition, from 26 to 29 August, will be a special one, a tribute in the name of art and music to the city and to the whole world to wish a new rebirth after the Covid-19 emergency.

The event is in fact possible thanks to the collaboration with the Uffizi Galleries that have made available the precious space of the Boboli Gardens and thanks to the Mascarade Opera Foundation, with the support of international donors, who has taken on the economic commitment.

Corsini Events.Group is partner and Production Manager

Corsini Events.Group is honored to take part in the initiative as partner and production manager taking care of the planning and production of the entire event. A commitment that, especially with the restrictions in force due to the pandemic, has seen our team busy designing the festival in record time.

There will be four evenings of music with free admission that will host 500 spectators with reservations each, all appropriately distanced. Some places are reserved for healthcare and first aid personnel who have dealt with the emergency closely.

Re-Generation Festival events at the Boboli Gardens

The stage of the Re-Generation Festival will be placed in Prato delle Colonne, an exceptional place for sumptuous shows since the Renaissance. The event will open with Rossini’s La Cenerentola directed by Jean-Romain Vesperini.

Given the exceptional location available, as event production manager we have decided to also take advantage of other spaces in the garden and in Piazza Pitti for some collateral events. Musical concerts and art will welcome the public from the afternoon with always different shows for each evening. The Corsini Garden, the historic location of the festival, is not forgotten, some musical events for children will be organized there also.

The new festival according to Eike Schmidt and Tommaso Sacchi

The director of the Uffizi Galleries Eike Schmidt: “After the enormous success of the many collaborations, the relationship with music intensifies and strengthens even more. This happens thanks to the ReGeneration Festival: a great event that will enchant the Boboli Gardens in the same week, among other things, of the anniversary of the coronation of Cosimo I at the Grand Duke of Tuscany (27 August 1569) “.

The Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of Florence Tommaso Sacchi: “I thank the Re-Generation Festival for bringing opera to an unusual place such as the Boboli Gardens, thus breaking the prejudice that it can only be attended by those who know it and lives it in the big theaters. The Re-Generation Festival opens to young people giving a signal to the new generations, in a city that has always known how to intercept the greatest and most extraordinary energies in music, theater, art. This year thanks to the great international reality of the Re-Generation Festival, which looks at the world from Florence and which from Florence looks at the world, we will start again together in the name of culture and new life of our city”.

Event production respecting today's safety standards

We are proud to do our part in organizing and producing the Re-Generation Festival, striving for the success of a one-of-a-kind event. The role of production manager has been entrusted to us by the creators of the festival, Maximilian Fane, Roger Granville and Frankie Parham, who have not given up on bringing great music to Florence by relying on capable and expert partners.

With the same commitment, without giving up to difficulties, we continue to work to carry out the event in absolute safety and in compliance with all regulations.