Friday 18 October 2024

Studio Fotografico Righi: one to one with Alessandro

Studio Fotografico Righi is a real institution with regards to wedding photography in Tuscany. Open since 1954 and today directed by Alessandro, it deals with wedding photo shoots working in the most prestigious locations.

A professional wedding photographer in Tuscany

Corsini.Events has worked with the studio for years, offering its impeccable services and professionalism to many couples who were looking for a photographer for their wedding in Florence or Tuscany. We asked Alessandro some questions about the major curiosity of the couples.

Q: How do you distinguish the work of a professional wedding photographer compared to an amateur?

A: As the great Richard Avedon said: “If a day goes by when I haven’t done something related to photography, it’s as if I had overlooked something essential. It’s like I forgot to wake up”. If the profession is, as in my case, the great passion of life, all the energies are concentrated in its exercise, there are no distinctions from life itself, you’re all there, it’s like breathing, you realize yourself in taking photos for others, without compromises. An amateur has a more playful level of involvement something completely different.

Q: What are your advice for the couples when choosing the wedding photographer?

A: The first thing to do is to visit the studio… other than Instagram! If the “photographer” welcomes you in a “studio”, which is just a room with a small table, a computer, and two chairs, something is not right. It is as if a chef had only bread and something to fill it with, it is clear that it is a sandwich, it can be good, you may like more than a dinner at a restaurant, but no sandwich shop pretends to be a starred restaurant, while in our sector, many claim to sell sandwiches at the cost of a Bottura dinner… too easy!

How to choose the wedding photographer

A: Inform yourself, be curious, ask to see a whole wedding service, from the beginning to the end, don’t trust the three photos they take to post them on social media, visit the studio. A professional studio is composed primarily of a pose room, where the daily use of lights becomes the gym to understand chiaroscuro and composition, Photoshop cannot replace man! There must be spaces equipped with technologies and staff, creativity must be supported by investments. If there are no professionals, no room for posing … there is no chef there, if you decide to buy a sandwich, don’t pay 200 euros, pay him as much as a sandwich!

Q: How do you prepare for a wedding day photoshoot?

A: Here at Studio Righi, the client’s dreams are at the center, everything is tailored, personalized and tuned to the couple’s taste, we try to understand deeply the couple. We are lucky because every story is different and fascinating, every service is different and close to the point of view of the couple, starting point and inspiration for our Wedding Movie and photoshoot.

Q: What is your day like during the wedding?

A: For me, it’s always a party! I have always linked happiness to taking pictures, having a camera in my hand is a joy. We are always in magnificent locations surrounded by wedding professionals, like you, who over the years have become dear friends. Real and human relationships that go beyond the professional relationship, with which to share the day, elegant and smiling guests around… in short, what do you want more! Eye glued to the viewfinder and senses all lit ready to catch the fatal moment.

Original wedding photos

Q: Do you have any tricks to make the photo a fun moment for both the couple and the guests?

A: The trick is only one, to work with passion, the joy you feel when photographing is contagious, everyone is amazed at how much fun it is to be photographed after all even life is like a photograph… if you smile it gets better.

Q: Where do you find inspiration to always create a different wedding photoshoot?

A: The wedding industry, for us, is only part of the business. The daily work on editorial projects commissioned by magazines, catalogs and campaigns for companies of fashion, wine, lifestyle and hospitality industry, portraits for publishing, production of photo books, realization of exhibitions, books and catalogs for museums and for the world of design, the production of advertising videos, are a continuous source of inspiration.

A: Collaborating with art directors, designers, artists, teaches you new things every day, leads you to experiment, opens your mind in a way that often those who focus only in the wedding industry do not have the opportunity to develop. The greatest inspiration, however, remains my irreplaceable staff, people with whom I confront every day. Sharing with them projects and goals is always an interesting journey, we are deeply connected by a great common passion for the images that tell the life of others, a life that in the end is our inspiration.