Friday 25 October 2024

Tommaso Corsini: Corsini.Events's director talks about his life

A closer point of view of a young manager, leading a team of highly qualified professionals to make each event unique. After several years since the creation of Corsini.Events Group, there is more and more curious about the founder of one of the leading companies in the wedding organization, private and corporate events, as well as a talented Location Manager.

I’m Tommaso, I’m 28 y.o. and since I was a child I liked all that is beautiful. In fact, I am convinced that the concept of beauty is both subjective and objective. Surely the subjectivity of beauty is often preponderant and none should judge personal tastes. Yet how can we deny the beauty of an object that has been the fruit of commitment, study, dedication, attention, respect and passion on the part of another human being?

While I formulate these words I think back to the cigar I personally saw preparing in Cuba a few months ago. The way in which the lady turned the leaves of tobacco resembled that of a ballet, prepared in each movements of the body.  Even those who do not smoke remain fascinated by the quality of the raw material used and by history.

Childhood: events and memories

I grew up in a family that “has a name”: my father at the age of 21 y.o. gave me the family ring I wear every day. On that occasion, he told me a sentence that I will never forget: “Bring with honor this symbol of VII centuries of work”.It is from this episode that I want to start telling myself.

I grew up in a house, Villa Corsini a Mezzomonte, which hosts and organizes events for over 50 years.When I was 7 y.o.  I could not wait to get back from school to help the waiters set the tables and learn the differences between Italian, French or English ceremonial equipment.So I had the opportunity to grow immersed in events, to immediately understand how important they were for those who lived them and especially for those who organized them.

The firsts work experiences

A couple of future spouses who try to build that memory from which the future of their life together will start; the director of a company that has to present a new product to the stakeholders … etc.Each event has a special story that deserves a unique way of being told. The event itself becomes a story that everyone must fall in love three times, when you organize it, when you live it and when you think about it.

At the age of 14, returning after having studied in New Zealand, I started working in the events, covering every type of role: dishwashers, maids, maître, lighting technician, florist etc. I have held every possible operational role up to the age of 20, to have full knowledge and awareness of every step necessary for the construction of an event: be it small or large. In 2010 I started helping my father in the management of Villa Corsini in Mezzomonte until in January 2011, I was asked to manage the Villa.

Growing up as Event Manager

Interpreting market trends, demand and supply, intercepting new customers: all I have done has always wanted to focus on the beauty of doing this job and with a passion for hospitality and service in the purer meaning of these words. Over the years, our customers have asked me to organize their events completely, even outside our Location.

In 2013, Galateo Ricevimenti hired me as an Event Manager: a further challenge that I took with enthusiasm and to which I owe a lot. This experience shaped me further and made me understand exactly the dimension in which I wanted to work within the Event and Location Management sector.

Corsini.Events Group

Today Corsini.Events Group is a company with 9 employees, a line of close collaborators and two business units. One that deals with Location management, managing Villa Corsini in Mezzomonte and Villa Le Mozzete;one that deals with Event’s Planning & Production.

For me this company is more like a family: not only because I am lucky to have as a partner my brother Lorenzo, I will never stop thanking him to share with me these passions, but because to do a job so exciting and tiring as to organize events, we must love our guests and be dreamers. I hope that our adventure still has many goals and new starting points and can exceed the expectations of many future customers as we have done with the past. Dream Seriously, Think Carefully, Act Bravely“.