Wednesday 23 October 2024
Corporate Event

Christmas gala dinner for Alma S.p.a

Celebrate four special occasions in a single event: this is the challenge that Corsini.Events faced for the Casini family, owner of Alma Spa. The company management turned to us to organize a gala dinner in mid-December and celebrate, in this unique occasion, Christmas with its employees, the 40th year of activity, the Knighthood of Mrs. Carla Casini and the inauguration of the new production plant.

Design and layout of the set

Alma Spa is a family run company, founded in 1976 from an idea of Carlo Casini, and is dedicated to the production of carpet. Generation after generation, the company has succeeded in gaining the trust of its customers in Italy and abroad, always providing a technically perfect and high-quality product. Alma carpets are an expression of the real Made in Italy: Italian taste and style characterize both color and appearance.

The management’s request was to develop the entire event within the new production facility and to make the most of the company’s products during the evening. The organization of a multi-faceted company event in a production area destined to host only machinery required the design and construction of ad hoc installations. Our designers have primarily developed the designs and arranged every element on the plan.

Valuing products during the corporate event

Each set-up took about a week to complete. At the end of the work, the production environment was converted into a magical space with areas suitable for hosting all the various moments of the event. The large single and empty space has been completely transformed to give life to more rooms and allow a correct division of the various moments of the evening into dedicated areas. The exclusive use of this space for the evening has added value to the event, making the gala dinner a very special occasion.

The set recreated in the plant included the use of Alma Spa products as absolute protagonists. The floor has in fact been completely carpeted, using different products, depending on the environment and also the bales of fiber, raw material of the product, have played a role in decorating the space. Planning every moment of the evening is fundamental for the success of a corporate event: from the arrival of guests to the final party. The Corsini.Events staff oversaw the entire direction of the evening.

The direction of a corporate event

The event lineup included a pleasant alternation between the speeches of the management and the moments of entertainment. Service times between a moment and another have been calculated and respected per minute thanks to the attention and professionalism of our team. During the gala evening we organized for Alma Spa, we took care to keep the guests’ level of attention and enjoyment high with the screening of videos celebrating the history of the business and the Casini family, speeches about the future of the company and awards for the best employees. The event ended with music and DJ sets until two in the morning.