Wednesday 23 October 2024

The main challenges to face when preparing a wedding

How to overcome critics with intelligence. Organizing an event or ceremony can reserve surprises…

Prepare a wedding is a special moment in which expectations are created, there are many choices to make, think of their well-being as a couple and that of the guests. Organizing a wedding is an intense activity, a real job for the brides who expect the best.

However, this moment can turn into a real jumble. Too often the intense rhythm of contemporary life prevents spouses from focusing on how they would like to prepare for their wedding. What mistakes do you make to get relaxed at your perfect wedding?

The advice of an expert

First, if the intention is to organize everything by yourself, the mistake to avoid is to share all your decisions with relatives and friends. The risk is to receive a number of more or less pleasing advices, which will only create confusion. If you receive an economic help from families for the marriage, this does not give them a bigger voice  about the kind of celebration you have in mind.

An important help in situations such as this is given by the wedding planner: the right figure who will be a peaceful mediator for the couple’s desire – its priority – to any suggestions and requests from others.

Secondly: be aware of your means. It may seem obvious but it is not. Too often, many couples enter into the marriage sector with the only certainty of “wanting the best”. However, there is a scale of maximum reachable for every need and by having a truthful conscience about it will make the wedding organization more smooth.

The solution to avoid disappointment is to have a clear list of priorities. There will be “must-have” elements you do not want to give up and to which priority will be given. The other elements will find the right position between “desirable but not necessary” and “superfluous”.

Thirdly, even if it is possible to continue with a list of all equally important challenges, the third point concerns the timing of organizational choices. If spouses will not follow a timeline but will proceed according to their own feelings, there might be more than one difficulty. Imagine, for instance, that the wedding couple has already found the dress for both, chosen the invitations and printed all of them when then the unexpected happened:  the desired location, which was almost certain, is not confirmed.

It seems impossible? Instead, it can happen when young couples prefer to go on their own, without clear planning, choosing suppliers who are not able to accomplish what they promised to the spouses

For these reasons, it is crucial to find serious professionals, with trustful career and with outstanding expertise. They will be able to rely on planning each moment of the wedding celebration, as well as in the forecasts of plans B in case of unforeseen events.

Critical moments can happen with a professional at your side. But it will be his professionalism to answer any questions, starting from the choice of location. If you have chosen a garden villa, this must be able to be set up inside without compromising on the style of the wedding. Or have an appropriate garden for a tensile structure that comfortably holds the number of guests expected. By the end, the important thing is to be aware that every challenge in the preparation of marriage has always a solution!