Friday 14 March 2025

How to choose the ideal catering for your dream wedding

Every event is unique. Each client has personal demands and style. This guide will help you choose the ideal catering for your wedding.

Choosing the catering for your wedding is not a simple decision at all, but it is definitely the tastiest one! After the bride’s gown and the event’s Location, the wedding banquet is the third most important element in determining the successful outcome of a memorable, dream wedding. Besides, the five senses are an excellent way to recall distant memories and, amongst all of our perceptive abilities, taste plays a very important role.

So why do many couples find themselves dumbfounded when they must decide how to entertain their guests’ palates? Well, the answer is simple: due to the overwhelming quantity and variety of what the market has to offer. Today, in fact, more than ever, the food and beverage and catering markets propose an extremely diversified and a potentially disorienting offer.

However, before we shed light on how to choose the ideal catering for a wedding, we must understand why it is important to first and foremost determine the wedding Venue. You must know that several Venues work with a catering with which they have an exclusive agreement, or anyways a catering they trust.

At first, this may seem like an undeniable advantage, since, by not being spoilt of choice, the potential and dreaded confusion also vanishes. Moreover, to be able to count on catering with experience in the realization of events at a specific Venue, should, in turn, facilitate the company’s job of translating the demands of the bride and groom into feasible solutions that can be carried out to perfection. However, we must also keep in mind that the catering imposed by the Venue may not reflect the personal taste and style of the client.

In addition, it is useful to be aware that the single Venues, even those that do not impose a specific catering, are organized differently in terms of logistics. And, for that matter, the organization of events changes constantly from Venue to Venue, and not all of them are organized in such a way to satisfy the requests of always more demanding clients.

Among all the actors involved during the organization of a wedding, catering companies play a very particular role, since every time, and at a different Venue, by starting from raw materials, they are called to create a finished and polished product that reflects the client’s style and taste. Think for a moment if Ferrari’s clients asked for their Testarossa to be built straight in their garage. It would be unthinkable to transport an entire factory inside a private garage! Yet, a good catering company does just that.

To better understand the structure of a catering company, we must know the structure of such businesses. Namely, the activities carried out by a catering company can be broken up into six distinct business units: kitchen, pastry, inventory, sales and marketing, administration and service staff. Every event is unique.

Each client has personal demands and style. Therefore, if a client chooses to entrust a company for the organization of an event, the latter must break down the requests of the client according to each of these aspects, defining the tasks and duties of each unit, in order to identify the profile of the ideal supplier.

Each of these units, in fact, can be analyzed separately in order to understand and identify: the demands of the client, the logistics and their requirements and, lastly, the typology and the level to which they must be realized. By breaking down each of the aforementioned six company units according to these parameters, the agency, which knows and is aware of the reference market, can then move on to determine the kind of supplier that can best satisfy the needs of every single client.

Attention, however: this transition is not easy at all! In fact, these kinds of service companies are made up of people and, therefore, it is crucial to know the market and to stay constantly updated in order to receive the best service possible, and choose a catering that can realize the reception in harmony with the balances of the same and the expectations of the client.