Wednesday 23 October 2024

Destination Wedding: why choose Tuscany

Destination wedding in Tuscany has recently reached numbers to be taken into account to study an interesting phenomenon on the rise. Thousands of foreign couples, in fact, have decided to celebrate their wedding in Tuscany, generating a huge number of visitors with all that implies in terms of accommodation, transportation, travels and all kinds of tourist activity connected.

Organizing the wedding in Italy

Destination wedding in Tuscany has interested, in recent years, thousands of weddings with participants and guests from all over the world: UK, USA, Germany, Canada, Brazil. For the wedding receptions, located in different provinces of the region, locations such as villas, cottages, castles and luxury hotel have been privileged.

Such a phenomenon involved, of course, a large number of workers in all sectors concerned, even if marginally: photographers, event organizers, various kinds of vendors, tourism and catering operators.

Destination wedding includes, in fact, a lot of secondary factors that lie outside the organization and celebration of the wedding itself: there is, first of all, the need to program long-range transfers in cooperation with international agencies; to arrange the stay for the participants; to anticipate and plan possible trips to visit different cities in the region; to take the opportunity for pleasant activities such as guided tours or tastings.

It is clear that a business covering such diverse channels, in such an extensive and preponderant way, is a resource that must be understood and taken on with the proper preparation and expertise. In fact, in addition to accommodation and tourist facilities, the organization of a wedding sets in motion a machine including a large number of figures ranging from hairdressers to florists, from drivers to make-up artists to musicians; taking advantage of this growing phenomenon in the appropriate way means enabling local businesses and suppliers to fit into a mechanism of international concern, with great benefits for all the players involved.

The most popular destinations

The reasons for such a success, in the Tuscany area, are soon explained: the region, in fact, thanks to its unique scenic, artistic, historical and gastronomic attractions, lends itself perfectly to all tourist activities linked to the celebration of a foreign wedding in Italy.

Getting married in Tuscany, as well as selecting for your most special day one of the most beautiful natural settings in the world, means offering your guests a stay to enjoy, in a few days, everything you could want from a holiday in Italy. For agencies dealing with destination wedding, focusing on Tuscany is, therefore, a winning move, given the large number of side events that can be associated with the organization of the ceremony.

Routes in cities renowned throughout the world as Florence, Siena or Lucca, or in historic towns like Volterra or San Gimignano; visits to museums and galleries that hold some of the most famous works of art in all of history; tastings of local products; visits to historical cellars, for example in the Chianti region, with the chance to taste the best wines directly from the producers.

The destination wedding phenomenon in Tuscany, therefore, is an opportunity to be seized for both the suppliers and the local operators, who can make the most of the expanding tourist flow to gent into new markets, and for international agencies that have the ability to bet on a privileged destination in the wedding tourism field.

In this sense, important players in the field, among which Tommaso Corsini Event Production occupies a prominent position, have moved in the right direction taking on the organization of exclusive weddings for foreigners in Tuscany, offering the best quality and services, for the customers satisfaction and for the benefit of the event producer themselves and of the territory that hosts them.